Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

The AFM facility in the department of Materials at Imperial College London consists of two instruments; a Bruker Innova and an Asylum MFP-3D classi.

 Atomic force microscope with tapping, resonance and contact modes.

The LCN currently has two Bruker CellHesion 200 AFM systems primarily for measuring cell to cell or cell to substrate interactions. It can also quantify cell elasticity and response to mechanical stress.

The Bruker Nanowizard 4 combines fast scanning with high resolution at scan sizes up to 100um and is designed to provide mechanical and thermal stability on inverted optical microscopes for long term imaging.

The Bruker Dimension FastScan AFM allows imaging rates up to frames/second without sacrificing resolution from subnanometer to 100's of nanometers in height.

The LCN is equipped with two Bruker Nanowizard ULTRA Speed AFMs for fast scanning at up to 300Hz line rate in air and liquid at high resolution.

The LCN currently has three Bruker MultiMode 8 AFMs which are equipped with an E scanner or J scanner (with heater) and uses the unique PeakForce Tapping™ technology to provide new information, faster results and greatly improved ease of use.

The LCN currently has one Bruker Nanowizard 1 AFM mainly to provide high resolution imaging and mechanical information of biological samples using a closed feedback loop to ensure precise positioning in the X,Y and Z dimensions.