How to Apply

The Centre invites applications from applicants with a background in any relevant discipline. Typically, applicants will be expected to hold a masters degree in a relevant subject area, or equivalent experience. Applicants would also need to be able to demonstrate a strong motivation for doing a PhD at the LCN. 

To undertake a PhD within the LCN, applicants will be registered at one of the three partner institutions. 

To apply for a PhD within the LCN it is first essential that you identify a potential supervisor and discuss with them your chosen area of research. You should review the Our People and Research pages, where you will find details of the research undertaken within the LCN and contact details for supervisors. Email is the preferred method of contacting a supervisor, and we suggest that you include, as a minimum, the following details in your initial email:

  • Proposed area of research and your experience/background in the chosen research area
  • How your chosen supervisor’s experience or knowledge is relevant
  • A copy of your CV

Once you have agreement in principle from a supervisor that they would be happy to supervise you, please make a formal application to the relevant institution:


Funding Opportunities

If there are any projects available within the LCN, either with, or without funding available, these will be in the PhD Opportunities section. Please also check or each Institution’s funding pages for more funding opportunities.

The LCN also has a number of associated Centres for Doctoral Training which provide a limited number of funded studentships each year.