Equipment manager
Richard Thorogate
Equipment manufacturer
Bruker AXS
Equipment model
Dimension Icon
Equipment technique
Deputy equipment manager
Bart Hoogenboom
Equipment Location
The LCN has recently acquired a Bruker Dimension Icon for low noise, large sample analysis, which provides a 90 micron scan range system with a newly designed low noise closed loop XYZ scanner. The Icon supports PeakForce QNM Imaging to allow researchers to image sample topography and map nanomechanical properties simultaneously (1MPa - 50GPa modulus). It also features a number of electrical characterisation modes with increased sensitivity and dynamic range.
- PeakForce Tapping (air/liquid)
- ScanAsyst
- Quantitative Nanomechanical Mapping (QNM)
- Contact mode (air/liquid)
- Tapping mode (air/liquid)
- Phase imaging
- Lateral force mode
- Kelvin Probe Microscopy
- PeakForce TUNA
- SThM
- Force imaging
- Fluid cell option
- Piezoresponse