Equipment manager
Richard Thorogate
Equipment manufacturer
Equipment model
Nanowizard ULTRA Speed
Equipment technique
Deputy equipment manager
Bart Hoogenboom
Equipment Location
The LCN is equipped with two Bruker Nanowizard ULTRA Speed AFMs for fast scanning at up to 300Hz line rate in air and liquid at high resolution. It comes equipped with QITM mode for quantitative material property mapping and the ability to correlate optical microscopy and AFM images with DirectOverlayTM. Both systems have access to an Andor Zyla 5.5 camera.
- High resolution imaging of biological and soft samples in air or liquid
- Up to 300 lines/sec in air or liquid
- Closed loop atomic resolution
- Low noise Vortis controller
- Acoustic isolation hood
- AC modes with phase detection, Q control and DirectDrive cantilever excitation
- Contact mode with lateral force imaging
- QI mode
- One system as Peak Force Tapping Mode
- Direct Overlay
- Force distance spectroscopy and force mapping
- Microrheology
- Olympus IX71 and IX73 inverted microscopes (FITC and TRITC)
- Manual stage and petri dish heater option
- Andor Zyla 5.5 cameras on both systems