Thin films surfaces and interfaces

Researchers from the London Centre for Nanotechnology at Imperial College have discovered in a number of recent experiments,that h
Organic and polymer light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have received much attention in recent years for application in displays and ligh
The amorphous oxide semiconductor thin film transistor (TFT) is a highly promising candidate for large area displays in terms of i
We are familiar with polymer materials in all aspects of our everyday lives - but in future, polymers are set to be important mate
London Centre for Nanotechnology scientists have developed a new method to make proteins form crystals using ‘smart materials'...

Iain E. Dunlop

Dr Iain Dunlop's uses methods from nanotechnology and surface chemistry to address questions in cell biology. In vivo, cells determine their behaviour largely by reacting to their environments; in particular, they respond to specific signals that are located on surfaces that they come into contact with. Such signals are hugely important in ensuring each cell plays its role within multicellular organisms. However, because biological surfaces are complex, it can be difficult to know exactly which features are significant.

Arash Mostofi

Materials lie at the heart of almost every modern technology and our research is dedicated to the application and development of theory and computational simulation tools for solving problems in materials. We develop and use methods at a wide range of length and time-scales, combining analytical theory, quantum mechanical first-principles simulations of interacting electrons and nuclei, atomistic simulations that use simpler models of interatomic bonding, coarse-grained molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo techniques.

Manganese oxides, or manganites, are technologically important materials, used widely as solid oxide fuel cell cathodes.
On many wet surfaces the first contact layer of water is not comprised of pure water but is instead a mixture of water and hydroxy
Ice formation on metal surfaces plays a fundamental role in fields as diverse as the atmospheric sciences, geology, and biology.