
Scientists have developed an ultra-sensitive test that should enable them to detect signs of a disease in its earliest stages, in

Rob P Davies

Research interests in the Davies group include the preparation and applications of Metal-Organo Framework (MOF) materials. These are ‘nano-engineered’ microporous 3D-coordination polymers consisting of metal based nodes and organic linking units. They are of high interest due to their applications in gas storage technologies (including hydrogen gas and methane for automobile fuel tanks), gas separations (including carbon dioxide capture from the exhaust flues of coal power plants), and heterogeneous catalysis.

James Wilton-Ely

Professor Wilton-Ely's research involves bridging the gap between molecular compounds and the nanoscale. His group uses their synthetic expertise to functionalise nanostructures with molecular species and apply these materials to fields as diverse as medical imaging (MRI and PET), sensing (CO and heavy metals) and catalysis (C-H activation, C-C bond formation). Of particular interest is the development of new attachment methods for gold nanoparticles, which allow multiple surface units to be incorporated in a stepwise, modular fashion.

Graphene has been widely touted as a potential replacement for silicon in the next generation of electronic circuits.
18th November 2011 Reporting in Nature this week, a team of researchers from the UK and Japan, including Professor Alex Shluger

Quentin Pankhurst

Prof Pankhurst runs research programmes in bio- and nanomagnetism aimed at making practical advances in the use of magnetic nanoparticles in healthcare. These include a medical tool for breast cancer staging; a molecular imaging microscope for living cells; and the development of multi-functional nanoparticles for therapy and diagnostics.


Andrew G. Green

Prof Green is interested in the equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium strongly correlated quantum systems. This encompasses fundamental properties of natural and manufactured materials, the effort to harness quantum mechanics for information processing, and the overlap of the latter with machine learning. He uses a range of tools, including analytical and numerical techniques drawn from quantum field theory and tensor networks.  

Differential stress induced by thiol adsorption on facetted nanocrystals When putting together a medical sensor for blood protein.

Nick Quirke

Nick is Professor of Chemical Physics at Imperial College, London. His group conducts theoretical and experimental research in the general area of nanomaterials with particular interest in their interaction with biomaterials and bionanotechnology. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, and the Institute of Nanotechnology, Editor-in-Chief of the international Journals, Molecular Simulation, and the Journal of Experimental Nanoscience.

Adrian Muxworthy

Adrian is currently a Reader in Earth and Planetary Magnetism at Imperial College London, where he heads the Natural Magnetism Group. He was a Royal Society University Research Fellow from 2004 to 2012. Before that he held post-doctoral research positions at the University of Edinburgh, University of Toronto, Univ. München and the GFZ Potsdam. He completed his D.Phil. at the University of Oxford, and was an undergraduate at the University of Edinburgh. He spent a year at the GFZ Potsdam whilst a Royal Society URF.