Magnetic characterisation

John Morton

Prof Morton's research takes spins of electrons and nuclei in a range of nano-scale materials and devices to develop a new generation of quantum technologies, including quantum sensors, quantum memories, and quantum computers. Prof Morton is the Director of the UCL Quantum Science and Technology Institute.


Scientists have managed to switch on and off the magnetism of a new material using quantum mechanics, making the material a testbe
LCN scientists take an important step in developing a material using nano-sized magnets that could lead to new electronic devices.

Quentin Pankhurst

Prof Pankhurst runs research programmes in bio- and nanomagnetism aimed at making practical advances in the use of magnetic nanoparticles in healthcare. These include a medical tool for breast cancer staging; a molecular imaging microscope for living cells; and the development of multi-functional nanoparticles for therapy and diagnostics.


A breakthrough in understanding materials for next-generation electronic devices An international team of scientists has developed

Adrian Muxworthy

Adrian is currently a Reader in Earth and Planetary Magnetism at Imperial College London, where he heads the Natural Magnetism Group. He was a Royal Society University Research Fellow from 2004 to 2012. Before that he held post-doctoral research positions at the University of Edinburgh, University of Toronto, Univ. München and the GFZ Potsdam. He completed his D.Phil. at the University of Oxford, and was an undergraduate at the University of Edinburgh. He spent a year at the GFZ Potsdam whilst a Royal Society URF.

Monopole defects and magnetic Coulomb blockade Ladak et al., New Journal of Physics 2011Magnetic monopoles, predicted by Dirac, en

Will Branford

Dr Will Branford is a Senior Lecturer in the Experimental Solid State group of the Condensed Matter Physics section of the Physics department. He is part of the management group of the London Centre for Nanotechnology and active in the nanotechnology effort at Imperial. His main research focus is the interplay between structure, magnetic and electronic properties of materials. His background is in solid state chemistry where the structuring was at the atomic scale. He also makes uses of nanofabrication to form arrays where there is structuring at the nanoscale.

Sandrine Heutz

Professor Sandrine Heutz’ research interests focus on functional molecular materials for sustainable and efficient technologies.  In particular, she is interested in exploiting the electron charge and spin for new computing methodologies.  She runs an interdisciplinary group that tackles growth of thin films and nanostructures, advanced characterisation and device applications.