
One of the most remarkable properties of animal cells is their ability to migrate.
A major step forward in understanding how sodium channels function has been made by a team of researchers at the London Centre...
Researchers at the London Centre for Nanotechnology (LCN) have developed a method for measuring the stability of proteins using va
There is an urgent need to find new antibiotics as bacteria are constantly evolving and steadily becoming resistant to the current
Early-warning sensing systems that can test and track serious infectious diseases – such as major flu epidemics, MRSA and HIV...
A new biosensing assay which can specifically and rapidly detect colorectal cancer biomarkers in solution has been developed by re
Molecular vibrations, rather than molecular shape, give substances their distinct smell according to a new study by LCN and UCL sc
Animal cells behave like fluid-filled sponges in response to being mechanically deformed according to new research published in Na
One cell thick monolayers are the simplest tissues found in multicellular organisms, yet they fulfil critical roles in normal phys
When Watson and Crick discovered the DNA double helix nearly sixty years ago, they based their structure on an averaged X-ray diff