Step 1: Make sure you are eligible. You will need a First Class Degree (or minimum Upper Second) from a UK university or equivalent from an EU university. If you are still studying for your degree, you will typically be near or at the top of your class.
Step 2: Identify three or four research projects or potential supervisors that particularly interest you. To do this check out our People or Research Pages and the available PhD positions.
Step 3: Make contact with potential supervisors by emailing them directly. It will help to send your CV. For more general enquiries about possible projects, please email Prof Bramwell, the LCN Graduate Tutor, including your CV and indicating your grades if possible.
Step 4: Once you have agreement in principal from supervisors that they are happy to supervise you, please make a formal application for a PhD by consulting the following web page
On the form list all potential supervisors who have expressed an interest.
Step 5: It may take some time (a couple of weeks) to process your application. Once it is received by the LCN you must liaise with the supervisors to arrange a formal interview. At this interview be prepared to talk about science – for example, your final year project. If you are successful you will be made a formal offer by post. At this stage you will need to decide on a particular supervisor or project.
Please note:
* Do not apply unless you have agreement from at least one potential supervisor
* You must be able to demonstrate a high level of academic achievement and be strongly motivated to do a PhD at the LCN.
* This page explains how to apply for a PhD studentship at the LCN at UCL only.
Information about applying to Imperial College London can be found in the Imperial Postgraduate Prospectus.