There is a wealth of support available through UCL for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. We have included below a selection, however please ensure that you visit the dedicated UCL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion webpage for the latest initiatives, information on support and any updates on legal requirements.
DEOLO’s and Dignity at Work Advisors
The LCN at UCL has a dedicated Departmental Equal Opportunity Liaison Officer (DEOLO), who is here to provide support, advice and information, whilst also championing and promoting Equality, Diversity and Inclusion within the LCN. The DEOLO can provide impartial or confidential advice and support to any member of the LCN community. The LCN DEOLO is Andy Gormanly, based on the 5th floor of the LCN Building in Bloomsbury.
In addition, UCL has a number of Dignity at Work Advisors who can be contacted to provide informal advice and support to staff experiencing bullying, harassment or sexual misconduct. The network of advisors has been established at UCL for over fifteen years, and has been invaluable in creating a confidential space for staff to explore workplace dynamics and as a means of supporting staff in resolving difficult situations informally and promptly. You can find a list of current Dignity at Work advisors on the UCL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion webpage.
Flexible working, Parents & Families
The LCN is committed in support staff, and students, who take career breaks, look into flexibility working opportunities or wish to take a period of leave. We strongly support UCL’s Core Hours Policy, meaning all meeting are scheduled between 10am and 4pm unless permission from all the participants is given.
UCL has number of polices and support mechanisms to enable flexible working, or to support parents and families These include:
- Maternity Leave Policy
- Maternity, Paternity, Adoption, Parental Leave FAQs
- Shared parental leave FAQs
- Support Working parents and Cares
- Work-life balance policy
- Agreement of Consistent Treatment (ACT)
Support & Networks
In addition to the DEOLO and Dignity at work advisory roles, UCL has a number of networks, committees and groups, including Enable@UCL, RaceMatters@UCL, Out@UCL, and Parents and Carers Together (PACT). Further details can be found on the UCL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion webpage.
Support is also available through services such as Care First, UMentoring, B-MEntor, Coaching, and the UCL Occupational Health Service, as well as through training programmes run by the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team.
UCL has also recently created the Advancing Race Equality Toolkit as part of their commitment to Race Equality.
Specifically for students, there is also the dedicated Student Support and Wellbeing Team
Bullying, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct.
The LCN, and UCL has a zero tolerance policy on Bullying and Harassment of any kind. We strive to create an environment that is free from bullying and harassment, and aim to foster an environment where all staff and students feel they are able to report any bullying or harassment they witness, or experience. We will use, amongst other mechanism, the biannual LCN, and UCL Staff Survey, and formal and informal complaints to try to achieve this goal.
- UCL Student Harassment & Bullying Policy
- Racial and Xenophoic Harassment
- Full Stop Campaign
- Report and Support Tool
- Support for Bullying and Harassment
The LCN has a dedicated Wellbeing Champion, who promotes, encourages and supports Wellbeing within the LCN community. The LCN’s Wellbeing Champion is Erin Manning, based on the 3rd floor of the LCN Building in Bloomsbury.