Taking x-ray phase contrast imaging into mainstream applications

Event Date
Monday, 11 February 2013 (All day)
Speaker/host external
Royal Society

Places are still available for the meeting on "Taking x-ray phase contrast imaging into mainstream applications" starting at 9:00 am on Monday 11 February 2013 and finishing at 5:00 pm on Tuesday 12 February 2013 at The Royal Society, London.

Attendance is free, but registration is required.  Please follow this link for the speaker list: http://royalsociety.org/events/2013/x-ray-phase-contrast/

There is also a satellite meeting "Real and reciprocal space X-ray imaging" starting at 9:00 am on Wednesday 13 February 2013 and finishing at 5:00 pm on Thursday 14 February 2013 at The Royal Society at Chicheley Hall, home of the Kavli Royal Society International Centre, Buckinghamshire: http://royalsociety.org/events/2013/xray-imaging-satellite/