EU Science Commissioner visits UCL

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The European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, Carlos Moedas, visited UCL today. He held a meeting with the President & Provost of UCL, Professor Michael Arthur, before visiting the London Centre for Nanotechnology.
At the LCN the Commissioner's visit started with a tour of the Scanning Tunneling Microscope laboratory, where he learned about how surfaces can be engineered and imaged at sufficient resolution to capture and manoeuvre individual atoms. 

During his visit he also listened to a number of presentations on LCN's current and future research activities. Professor Rachel McKendry gave a presentation on the i-sense collaboration, which she leads.  i-sense is focused on developing a range of strategies for providing early warning on the spread of infectious diseases.

Professor John Morton, director of UCL’s Quantum Science & Technology Institute (UCLQ),  presented the work of the institute, including some of his research published this week on detecting electron spins in silicon.

Professor Des McMorrow, director of the LCN, said: “We very much hope that Commissioner Moedas enjoyed his visit.  It was an honour to be given the opportunity to highlight some of the fantastic research performed in the LCN, and to describe the unique opportunities it enjoys as a nanotechnology centre in one of Europe's most research intensive city quarters.”


The photo above shows Commissioner Moedas with his Senior Advisor, Professor Maria Graça de Carvalho, studying some Nanoscale CMOS transistors courtesy of Professor John Morton

In this panel from top left to bottom right, the photos show Commissioner Moedas dicussing UCL's research impact with Professor Arthur, the visit to the STM lab, Professor Rachel McKendry presenting on the i-sense collaboration and Professor John Morton presenting the work of UCLQ. Credit O.Usher (UCL MAPS)


UCL Quantum Science and Technology Institute


European Commission Research and Innovation

Carlos Moedas - European Commission

Other contributors
Oli Usher (MAPS Communications, Marketing and Events Manager) & Tabasum Farzaneh (LCN Business Development Manager)