LCN personnel are located across Imperial College’s South Kensington campus in several departments. There is dedicated central LCN office and laboratory space in the Bessemer Building. To reach the Bessemer Building, enter Imperial College either through the main entrance on Exhibition Road or through the Royal School of Mines entrance on Prince Consort Road.
From the main entrance: go straight ahead though the Business School atrium, past the statue of Queen Victoria, and into the courtyard beyond. To your left you will see the Faculty Building (the “blue cube”); take the entrance opposite this into the Bessemer Building to your right. Once through the entrance go straight ahead along the corridor and look for the door on your left labelled for the LCN and the Thomas Young Centre.
From the Royal School of Mines Entrance: go straight through the entrance lobby past the reception desk and straight ahead into the corridor beyond. Look for the door on your right labelled for the LCN and the Thomas Young Centre.
The LCN's Titan electron microscopy facility is located in the Harvey Flower Microstructural Characterisation Suite in the Department of Materials, Royal School of Mines. See the link below for directions to the building.
South Kensington
London Centre for Nanotechnology
Department of Materials
South Kensington, London SW7 2AZ
tel: +44 (0)20 7594 7252
fax: +44 (0)20 7594 6757
Directions to and map of the South Kensington campus

Emergency Numbers
Bloomsbury: dial 222 or
+44 (0)20 7679 3333
South Kensington: dial 44444 or
+44(0)20 7594 4444