Facilities Management and Operations

A full range of Facilities and Operations Management functions are undertaken within the LCN to ensure that a critical infrastructure is maintained to fully support the needs of the research.

The Facilities and Safety Office is overseen by the LCN Facilities Manager/DSO who is responsible for:

  • Monitoring the proper functioning of plant equipment, building services, infrastructure, environment and safety condition (e.g. lighting, heating, water, sanitary services)
  • Overseeing all building modification and refurbishment projects.
  • Planning, organising and implementing preventive, corrective, proactive maintenance and cost reduction and energy saving programmes.
  • Monitoring all complaints regarding building facilities and making the necessary arrangements to resolve them.
  • Organising and overseeing the cleaning of all LCN areas.
  • Ensuring all LCN Lab/Office and common areas are equipped with correct furniture and equipment.

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